
Instead of using print statements for logging, we use the built-in logging module. Here is an example usage:

import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Get a logger bound to the module name.
# This line is usually placed under the import statements at the top of the file.

log.trace("This is a trace log.")
log.warning("BEEP! This is a warning.")
log.critical("It is about to go down!")

Print statements should be avoided when possible. Our projects currently defines logging levels as follows, from lowest to highest severity:

  • TRACE: These events should be used to provide a verbose trace of every step of a complex process. This is essentially the logging equivalent of sprinkling print statements throughout the code.
  • Note: This is a PyDis-implemented logging level. It may not be available on every project.
  • DEBUG: These events should add context to what's happening in a development setup to make it easier to follow what's going while workig on a project. This is in the same vein as TRACE logging but at a much lower level of verbosity.
  • INFO: These events are normal and don't need direct attention but are worth keeping track of in production, like checking which cogs were loaded during a start-up.
  • WARNING: These events are out of the ordinary and should be fixed, but can cause a failure.
  • ERROR: These events can cause a failure in a specific part of the application and require urgent attention.
  • CRITICAL: These events can cause the whole application to fail and require immediate intervention.

Any logging above the INFO level will trigger a Sentry issue and alert the Core Developer team.